Sunday, December 2, 2007

quote response

"Long before the year was up, Janie noticed that her husband had stopped talking in rhymes to her. He had ceased to wonder at her long black hair and finger it. Six months back he had told her, "if ah kin haul de wood heah and chop it fuh yuh, look lak you oughta be able tuh tote it inside. Mah fust wife never bothered me 'bout choppin' no wood nohow. She'd grab dat ax and sling chips lak uh man. You done been spoilt rotten."" (pg 26, chapter 4)

this quote talks about how Janie notices the difference between dating someone and being married to someone. it also shows how killicks doesn't really care about her. He talks about his old wife and how she never dis-obeyed him. This shows that he just wants somebody to be there to do what he says when he says and that's not exactly what Janie wants. Janie wants the real thing. She wants love. She wants what almost every human wants. We want somebody to be there not only to hold us when we're sad or in a bad mood, but somebody who's going to be there to love us unconditionally. Even when we don't do exactly what they ask. Somebody who will compliment us just the right amount of times but who will also not agree on everything we say just because he doesn't want to argue. Somebody who really gets you.... and isn't just along for the ride. 

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